Thursday, May 8, 2014

Blog Every Day in May

So I was trolling the other blogs I read and I found a blog challenge, which I love.  I'm a competitive person and though I am a bit late into May to get this started, I thought I'd jump right in.  I haven't touched the blog this entire year yet and we're almost half way through....yikes!  So I've revamped the look of the blog and I'm gonna catch you all up on what's going on with me.

Blog Every Day in May - 8!

Let's start at the very beginning, it's a very good place to start...oh!  Sorry, I slipped into Sound of Music mode there.  Let's start at January.  Nothing much happens in January around here.  It's cold.  The holidays are over (phew!).  It's dark and all you want to do is eat and sleep and be as bear-like as possible.  So in January I, of course, planned out my vegetable garden and did an inventory of the seeds I had.  I placed my orders for the seeds and plants I needed and then I went back to my hibernation hole.  I also made some resolutions, let us see what those were...

Goals for 2014
1.  Make it to 200 lbs or less
2.  Lay path next to woodshed, make gate, finish edging, buy picnic table/bench
3.  Plant St. Francis garden, put in waterfall
4.  Build Reading Cottage
5.  Knit two shawls for myself and sew two bags for myself
6.  Dye yarn with kit from LAST year
7.  Work on drawing on the iPad
8.  Work on learning the piano
9.  Write two blogs a month
10.  Spend at least two hours a week writing on my books

Hmmmm.  I didn't do too well on most of these so far.  Totally blew #9 already.  And most of those yard related projects seem a bit too big to do all in one year.  Working on number 1, I'm at 222 right now.  Losing 22 pounds this year doesn't seem too over confident, unless other circumstances arise.  I've started one shawl for myself and if I could just finish the one I started a while back I'll be on target there.  I started a cape for Emily, but then set it aside to knit a hat for camping (which I finished!) and maybe some gloves.  I've got start-itis, I want to start everything and finish nothing.  Haven't worked on my piano at all this year, though I looked at it longingly the other day.  Yeesh.  I've done terrible at all of these!  But I do pin a lot of wonderful things on Pinterest... :)

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