Monday, May 19, 2014

BEDM Day 19 - What a Day...

Today has been quite a day.  This morning I got up a half hour earlier than I usually do to drive to Seattle with Mom for a doctor's appointment at 9 am.  That went well, but my cough has become more incessant and one of those coughs where you start and just can't stop.  Well at the doctor's office I wore a mask and I'm not sure if it was the heat from the mask or the ventilation in the large building, but I got into a coughing fit that had me over a sink almost puking.  This was luckily in the appointment room and not out in the waiting room.  The doctor felt bad for me.  We ended up heading straight home afterwards (usually we stop and eat in a place we like or shop or something) because I felt so bad.  Mom drove the whole way and I slept for half.  She asked me if there was a tickling in my throat and I said, yes the tickle is down in my throat almost at my chest and it feels like there's a rasping in my chest all the time, so that I can't take a deep breath.  She said it was probably bronchitis.  So when I got home I called my regular physician and got an appointment for 3:15.  We headed in there and (of course) the cough seemed to have abated.  He said that my throat looked really red and asked if it was sore.  I said it was a little, but I've had worse.  He prescribed me a Z-pack and some cough medicine.  After picking up the prescriptions Mom and I decided it was late enough that we weren't going to make dinner, so we ate at Dairy Queen.  On the way home from dinner she was talking to me and I looked down to see I was going about 10 over the speed limit.  "Uh oh!" I said and then looked in my rearview mirror to see flashing lights.  "Oh no!  Crap!"  I pulled over and started rummaging for my license and all.  "Shoot, shoot, shoot!"  I kept saying.  The cop was really nice though and when I rolled down the window I said, "I know, I know."  "It was my fault," Mom said, "I was talking to her and distracting her."  "No, it's my fault," I countered.  The cop told me my insurance was a month expired.  Great.  And then he asked if I'd darkened my hair.  "I guess since that picture I have," I said ruffling through my hair.  "Well it's just a warning this time,"  he said and handed back my papers and license.  If he took my information back to his car and looked me up he'd see that I'd never been pulled over in my life before, not even for a headlight out, and I'm 32.  I guess honesty is the best policy.  And I think I'll just crawl into bed and try again for tomorrow.

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