Saturday, May 24, 2014

BEDM Day 24 - Today's Lesson: ISO

Today's lesson on 31 Days to a Better Photo was about ISO.  The gist of it was, higher ISO = more grainy photos.  So I did what she asked and took photos, doubling the ISO every time...and I couldn't get a grainy photo, at least that I could see.  Finally on Hi2 I got it grainy and that was at an equivalent of ISO 25600.  So I guess my camera is good at controlling graininess?  I'm only going to make you endure 4 of those photos.  After that I switched it back to Auto and took some pictures of Jet-Jet.  Enjoy!
ISO 200

ISO 800

ISO 3200

ISO Hi2 (25600)

1 comment:

Melinda said...

The graininess also comes in when you have low-light - as in, it'd be more apparent with high ISO in a low light setting than the same ISO in a moderate to bright light setting. If you take the ones you have on higher ISOs and zoom in, you should also be able to see the difference in graininess at higher zoom level. :) Man, ISO of 25,600? Nice! My camera goes to 1600.