Saturday, November 8, 2008

I love vampires...

So I know that I am a big time obsesser, and recently it's been about the Twilight book series by Stephenie Meyer. I literaly ran up to the mailbox today after I saw the mail lady drop it off to get my new Entertainment Weekly cause I knew that the movie was gracing the cover. And it's not just the movie or the books that get me thinking about vampires. The other day I was listening to the radio while I was at work and the song Bleeding Love was on. I was really listening to the lyrics and it totally made me think how the song could be from Edward's own lips. And then on the way home a guy passed me going like 70 in a 40 zone and I turned to Mom and said "Probably a vampire." Yep. Completely obsessed. On a note not about vampires at all, my best friend Nicole called me today to tell me she's pregnant! I am soooo excited and now I have a real reason to be pouring over baby stuff in catalogs! ;)

1 comment:

Melinda said...'re vampire-crazy! =) But seriously, those were some great books.

That's so exciting about Nicole!! Please pass on my congratulations! When is she due?