Friday, October 17, 2014

Sending Gifts to Myself

Does anyone else love it when you get home and there is a package waiting for you?  Today was that sort of day for me!  I thought that the item I ordered was coming on the 20th, but instead it arrived today!!  Eeeee!  And look at what it was...

Oh I'm so excited!  I have all sorts of soups and stews and roasts envisioned for that pot.  I've had soup on the brain since the weather has turned a bit cooler and the leaves started changing.  We tried a butternut squash soup this week that  I think I put in too much ginger, or else the recipe called for too much according to my taste.  Better scratch the carrot-ginger soup I had on my Pinterest board.  But I have the ingredients for this Potato Tarragon Soup (I'm axing the spicy part).  Or there's always our perfected (in our opinion) Clam Chowder.  Which to pick?  Depending on the weather this weekend, it may be both!

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