Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One Day Weekend Project

So on our one day off after working the weekend we managed to get started on our raised beds. We have been working slowly on this all summer. The beds will be going in our picket fence enclosure for a vegetable garden planned for next year. We are going to end up with 4 of these raised beds but only managed to get one together on Monday. The "legs" will be buried in the ground to provide some stability and then the bed will stand about a foot from the ground up. We got the majority of the design from the Sunset magazine website and then added a small 1x4 to the top for a little lip and something to lean or kneel on while getting to the middle of the bed, since they said not to stand in them. The PVC inside is for putting a smaller PVC pipe in an arch over the bed so you can lay plastic over the beds to warm them up in the spring when the dirt is still frozen. It turned out really pretty! Now only 3 more to go... We cut all the rest of the wood for other boxes tonight and put them together in the shed as kits so we can go to it when we find the time.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

neat! Looks like a cool project =)