Yesterday's post was interrupted by massive Christmas decorating which if it hadn't happened might not have made it up before the 25th. So now I am sitting in a house that is only a couple of trees short of Santa's workshop, in my humble opinion, getting that post done. Thanksgiving was on Saturday for us this year but on Thursday we did get to eat some turkey at the hospital. I had had this grand idea to make cute leaf cookies for my fellow coworkers on Thanksgiving. I got the dough ready...
Covered it and put it in the refrigerator which was supposed to only be a few hours but ended up being overnight because I caught the oven on fire. No really. Fire. I had made an Autumn Cheesecake the weekend before and was in a hurry and used too much butter in the crust. I tried to add more graham crackers to make up for it but the butter ended up leaking out of the springform pan and down on to the bottom of the oven. I really should have put a piece of tinfoil underneath to catch it but it was a week of really bad decisions. There were plans to clean the bottom of the oven before I made the cookies, but it didn't happen. While I was preheating it I noticed a burning smell and smoke but I sort of figured it was just the butter burning off the bottom. I showed Mom and we shut off the oven and she cooled the bottom with some water and got most of the butter off. Our stove has a covered element and I saw that the cover was tipped to one corner. I asked her if it had always been like that and she said she thought so, probably so things could drain. Drain to where I asked? Oh, just under the cover...where the elements are...where the fire was when we let the oven get up to 350. The smoke continued to come out of the oven and I said I could see flames under the cover and Mom ran and grabbed our fire extinguisher and gave it a short burst. The flames went out and then appeared again so she gave it another shot. That finally put it out but the smoke in the house set off the fire alarm which is attached to our ADT system. So the alarm was going off and the siren and light on the top of the house was going off and ADT was calling. I answered and they shut off the alarm and sent the fire department to make sure the oven would be okay. They were very nice and looked under the cover to make sure there wasn't anything on fire or that the wires weren't burnt. Mom got on the internet and set up a repair guy for the next day (which was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving!). The fire department blew the smoke out of the house and I shut the breaker off to the stove until it was checked out. It turned out that no wires were damaged and that after a little cleaning the stove was good to go. So on Wednesday I continued on with the cookies. There was still some smoke and toxic-ish fumes, but other than that we were okay. I kept a fan going and the door open to clear the smoke and just kept on baking those cookies.
For our Saturday Thanksgiving I had three desserts planned, because I'm crazy. We spent Friday doing some late evening Black Friday shopping, which still had some amazing deals, and so I was only able to make one the day before. Instead of traditional pumpkin pie I wanted to do some mini pumpkin cheesecakes. They needed to be refrigerated overnight, so they were the first to get done.
Then in the morning I made some mince tarts for Mom instead of a pie, because everything tastes better when it's little. I think they turned out pretty well for winging it.
And then only one picture of a premade apple crumble cake which ended up being underdone in the middle even though I let it go for the longest time they said in the recipe. :( But the edges taste great!
We did the whole day proper. After getting the desserts done and stuffing the turkey, we put the turkey in the oven and retired to the living room to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade which I had DVR'd, took some naps and then then got up and finished dinner. The turkey timer even popped at just the end! I set the table with our finest china...
And we feasted!
Later on it was all about those desserts. They make a nice trio don't you think?
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