This weekend I was the lucky girl who got to work 12 hours on Sat and 10 hours on Sun! I know, right?! So of course by Sunday I was pretty braindead and the only thing going through my head was autumn-fall-pumpkins-candles-blankets-apples. To quell the murmurings of that obnoxious voice I started a new
Pinterest board.
Oh the wonders of this Pinterest board! It wraps you up in orangy-yellowish-red hued warmth and settles you in for a warm cup of....well whatever you'd want. For me it would still currently be tea, but maybe your more of a coffee or cocoa or even hot apple cider kinda person. Though as it gets colder I'm leaning back towards coffee. There's just something about the robustness of it. And I really like vanilla lattes, but mostly iced and not so much hot, so then I'm tended towards pumpkin spice, but I don't want to become a cliche.

I've already watched one of my favorite "fall" movies, You've Got Mail. I'm not sure why I think of it as a fall type movie, other than it has one of the best lines that describes the feeling I get when I see school supplies being set out in the stores, "Bouquets of newly sharpened pencils." Still to go on the list are Practical Magic (good any time of the year, in my opinion), Hocus Pocus (a classic and a must), Haunted Mansion (just for the barbershop quartet heads), Bewitched (if only I could own all of Nicole Kidman's clothes in that movie...and that house....and car....and powers...) and Lady in White (about as scary as scary movies get in this house).

In actual real world decorating (and not just virtual), I have been slowly moving my pumpkins on to the porch along with my never-dead jack-o-lanterns. They are just waiting for the timer strip to be plugged in and then I'll be welcomed home harvestly everyday. (After a successful Home Depot trip they are currently out there smiling because they are all lit up!) The rest of the house is a disaster, but from the outside it looks like I have it together. A weekend should remedy that, but it's still a few days away.
Oh! And this morning Mom and I managed to be in exactly the right place at the right time!! We were driving down our street and right, I mean completely in the direction we were driving and looking, in front of us a metor streaked through the sky! It burned up pretty quickly and only lasted less than a second, but it was SO AWESOME! If we hadn't been late to work, we'd never have seen it ;) Kismet, I'd say.