Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My Clocks Have Wings

So yeah, time has been flying around here.  I can't believe how long ago it was I posted a blog update and for that I am extremely sorry.  I shall therefore update you with the goings on.

We bought a new television last summer, as you may know, in preparation for a new entrainment center while the new floor was being laid in the living room.  Since then the TV has been sitting on a cute but smallish TV stand waiting for us to come up with the funds to buy the entertainment center we had been drooling over.  Recently we purchased it and waited for it to be delivered.  I had looked at the furniture stores we have around here for the perfect separated entertainment center that had a bridge over the top of the TV so that I could put all my cute decorations back on top of it, but to no avail.  I found the perfect one in a catalog and pondered long and hard about buying furniture I had never seen online.  I researched and looked at ratings (4.5 stars out of 5 by the way) and we finally decided it was the one.  Getting it here was a bit harder as the delivery company was coming out of Seattle and was incredibly difficult to get ahold of to say the least.  But it did arrive and here are the beautiful pictures of my monument to TV and movie viewing that is now in my living room.

First...what it replaced.

And now the new and improved...

Do you think we have just a couple of DVDs there?

We also bought a surround sound system that I had yet to take out of the box.  As I wired everything in the new center I also did the surround sound and ohmigosh....even the COMMERCIALS sound better.  :)  I don't have the wireless back speakers set up yet, but it's pretty freaking amazing as it is.  Seriously I thought there was a cat out in the kitchen getting into trouble for a bit before I realized it was the surround awwwwwesome!  So you should all come over for a movie sometime!

I also have pictures of the infinity scarf I have been working on for myself for Melinda.  I really like it.  :)

And I've been getting into mischief with other crafts as well.  I really wanted one of those cool wrap bracelets you see everywhere, but they are pretty expensive and I have large wrists, so I decided to make one!  I Googled it and found lots of websites that show you how but I used this one.  A trip to the craft store and tada! two fabulous bracelets and stuff to make many more.  :)


Melinda said...

You seem to have left some other things that have been keeping you busy out of this update....just saying :)

The scarf is looking great!

california girl said...

How's my birthday present coming along???