Friday, January 6, 2012

An ode to an amazing purse...

So after Christmas I happened to be at Kohl's, and whenever I am there I check out their purse selection.  As I meandered through the aisles towards the back of the section there it was.  A beautiful plaid purse with handles long enough for me to wear over my shoulder without my armpit feeling like it needed to take said purse to court for molestation charges.

It was HUGE inside and I love that because as time goes on I end up carrying around more items that I feel are "necessary" to my survival.  If you read my blog challenge about my bag last year, you'll understand.  First it has this nice open compartment for all of my random stuff, you know keys, iPod, work badge, Kleenex, calculator, etc.

Then it has a convenient zippered compartment for stuff I don't want to lose.  (You'd think the iPod would be in here, but I grab it out too often.)  So that's got my cell phone (which I never use), wallet, coin purse, etc.

And last, but certainly not least, it has a third compartment for...... MY KNITTING!

I know.  Crazy awesome, right?  It's even big enough that I could put my Kindle in there too...

So I didn't want to just throw my knitting in there and let important tools getting lost (cable needles and counters!) or dirty, so I searched online for a project bag that was a good size and could be cinched up.  When I saw these I was sold.

I've been seeing the line "Keep Calm and Carry On" from the posters that the British government released during World War II popping up a lot lately and there are some funny spoofs of them out there that you can see here and here.  So I was instantly taken with these bags that spoof it in a knitting way.  I found them on Etsy at JennieGee's store and have had to resist going and buying more on a daily basis.  Lets see how many projects I get through this year now that I have my knitting with me all the time!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Looks like a great purse! That's a clever project bag too :)