Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Life Update!

Well, I really fell off the face of the earth after the blog challenges ended.  A lot of that has to do with the fact that I have been working crazy amounts of overtime.  In this last two week period I worked 12.25 hours of overtime.  Yikes!  Actually my whole life has been about numbers recently.  I am still waiting for my ovulation kit to turn positive.  I've been through two cycles now with no ovulation occurring.  Taking my temperature each morning has made me slightly psychotic...was that a jump in temperature, or just a random high?  How big a difference is considered a jump?  Isn't it day 21 yet?  I am so sick of peeing on these sticks that all say negative, so let's just get to the part where my progesterone is drawn and we get an actual number. 

In work related numbers, besides the overtime one, are how many credits of continuing education I have.  Every three years we are required to get 36 credits of continuing education to maintain our certification as Medical Technologists.  My credits are due by September and I currently have 11.  Yeah....I'm a procrastinator.  So I am trying to get all studied up to take my Specialist in Microbiology exam, which gives me a few more letters after my name and on the bright side gives me 25 credits.  11+25=36!  But I have to get 1 transcript, 1 letter of experience from my laboratory director confirming I have the 3 years of clinical laboratory microbiology experience required, and 260 dollars to take the exam.  This will give me 3 months to take the exam, which I of course need to do really soon so I can turn in my credits. Numbers, numbers, numbers.

On the gardening front I have a fun slide show of numbers for you!

2 strawberry beds

1 (very healthy) rhubarb plant

1 delicious strawberry rhubarb pie (these strawberries were bought...ours aren't that prolific yet)

20 beautiful pots of flowers on the porch

24 Roma tomatoes planted

24 Bell peppers also planted

21 wheel-barrows full of dirt for 3 more raised beds

10 rumbles of thunder while we were filling them

1 beautiful garden!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Maybe we need to find a new blog challenge :) of course...I still have to finish the first one!

I like all the number things - good post!