Yeah...some of you all know the one...where I licked the wall....
So for clarification my favorite birthday would be my 23rd. It started awfully. Mom and Gram and I were supposed to go over to Seattle and eat at my favorite restaurant, The Old Spaghetti Factory, and stop in North Bend and do some shopping. Well, that was the year that Gram passed away and she was feeling rotten. We had all gotten ready and she said she just couldn't do it. So I put on some pajama pants and went to my computer and cried a bit. It was selfish mostly, but this isn't about my most unselfish birthday. Mom asked if I still wanted to go shopping in town and I said sure. It had been a while since it was just her and I off shopping and I didn't know how soon it would become permanent. In the meantime I think Nicole had called and asked if we were still on for going out to Jacksons' and drinking and dancing later and said it was on for sure. She said she knew that a few of our other friends from high school were in town and decided to invite everyone out, since she heard I was having a bad day. Mom and I went to the mall and I found a really cute black halter with pink sparkles on it and some nice jewelery to set it off. I drove over to her place and she had a friend that had volunteered to be our designated driver. Nicole had also made me a crocheted blanket in my favorite blue/sea green colors. I was awed by the gift (it still lays on the back of my chair) and ready to go party. Nicole told me she had gotten all sorts of people together, Paul, Jayne-Leigh, Thomas and was Megan there? She also invited a bunch of her newer friends and I invited my fellow students from the Med Tech program I was in at the time. So we got a big table at Jacksons' and slowly everyone showed up. There was drinking (Alabama Slammer!!) and shots and just one pic of my "Birthday Shot".

Fully inebriated we moved to the dance floor in the back. Everyone was buying me drinks and shots. There was lots and lots of drunk dancing. Eventually I became completely plowed and started telling people how much I loved them. Then I bit Nicole....I told her it was a love bite. Then I bit Paul. I don't know what I told him. Eventually no one would dance with me and I started dancing with the divider between the booths in the back between my Med Tech friends and high-school friends. I was really working that divider and it was being a really good I licked it. That's right semi-pole dancing and licking it like a whore makes for a great birthday. At that point I think Nicole pushed me into one of the booths and I pouted while she told me I was cut-off and gave me water. I'm not sure if it was closing time, or if it was just time to leave, but my designated driver and Nicole linked my arms and helped me stumble-walk out of the bar. I kept telling the other girl that she was my designated driver and laughing at how funny that sounded and she told me to snap out of it as we walked past the cops that are always outside Jacksons'. Nicole got me back to her place, into my pajamas and made me sit there and watch television drinking water and eating cinnamon toast until I was semi-sober so that my hangover wouldn't be horrendous in the morning. And that was my favorite birthday.
1 comment:
haha, sounds like quite the night! :) I've been having trouble deciding which birthday was my fav...
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