Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 15

Your Dreams.
Seesh, how do you answer that? I do dream quite a bit and remember a lot of them, especially if it's the morning I am sleeping in. I figure that's because I wake up and fall asleep multiple times, rather than one long half dead coma-sleep until my alarm goes off. I have had some very strange dreams and some very moving ones and I type up the ones that stick with me the most in a dream diary on the computer. It's pretty interesting to go back and read them. Here are some of the dreams I've had.

About 5 years after I graduated from high school and before things like Facebook and Myspace took off to keep us all in touch I had a dream about my friend Eric. I hadn't seen him in years and I hadn't talked to him on the phone for quite a while. I remember seeing him in the dream and feeling so glad to see he was dead and had come back. I hugged him and was crying saying I was so sorry that I hadn't been there, for him or for whatever reason he was gone. I woke up literally crying. I knew that Megan still saw Eric occasionally since she lived on the West side, so I emailed her and that summer we went over and saw the new apartment she was going to get near Tacoma and we went up to Seattle and saw Eric. It was just a scary enough dream to get me to get back in touch with him.
Another dream I had one time when I was in high school was that I was just a little kid, probably about 6 in the dream. I was riding along in a car in the back seat and my Mom and Gram were in the front. We stopped at this hotel and went in, but when we got in it was a shack, windows boarded up, etc. They had guns and there may have been some other people with us. They were looking out the windows and shouting about who was where outside the building. I got scared and hid in a closet as a gunfight erupted. I could hear people yelling outside about a cease-fire as some armed SWAT guys came through the front door. They took everyone under arrest and found me. I went outside with them and saw my "parents" who were Mulder and Scully from The X-Files (I was REALLLLLY into this show then). I ran to them and they kissed and hugged my and put me in the back seat of a Ford Taurus (they always drove a Ford Taurus) and I was happy....and then I woke up. Bizarre I know, but dreams aren't ever normal.
So on a lighter note here are my Valentine's cookies for the lonely hearts club!

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