So the Hawaii posts didn't turn out like I thought. I was ready to blog it like a scrapbook and add all my favorite pictures, but I don't blog nearly enough to do that. And besides all that life has moved on. So to finish up the trip, here is the rest of Hawaii.
On Sunday we got up and went to mass at the Catholic church that is right across the street from Waikiki beach. The final prayer and blessing was all in Hawaiian which was really cool. We then went up to the Aloha Stadium where they have this huge swap meet and got s
ome really cool (and cheap!) bags, suitcases (to replace the broken ones), potholders, aprons, and neat frame mats. We of course broke up the middle of the day going down to the beach and then went to the Ala Moana shopping center to kill some time before we went and saw Star Trek. I had bought the tickets online before we went and though they were $10 a piece the theatre was amazing...refillable drinks, cushy chairs huge screen and awsome before movie show with music videos and stuff. The film was so awesome! Though Pam and I thought it was weird that they didn't have Polydent in the 23rd century since older Spock's dentures seemed a bit loose.
On Monday we drove up to the Dole Plantation and visited the Maui Diver's Jewelery pick a pearl stands. We
had planned on getting some pearl jewelery because we love the stuff we had previously gotten but they offered a no interest for one year deal if we got their credit cards and I swear the lady I had was bound to fill mine to the limit! We went and got Dole whips afterwards and then watched a poor demonstration for their pineapple cutter that didn't sell it. We drove up to sunset beach after that but with no storms there wasn't any good waves to watch. I saw a little shop along the way that looked kinda like Flamingo Jim's at home and we stopped and I got a gorgeous shell fo
r Erin. Our final destination was back to the Polynesian Cultural center for our "Free within 3" pass to go back and see the islands we missed the first day. We went to the Mission House and Mom and I got sucked into all their patterns for Hawaiian quilting. We bought some patterns and a couple of kits that had it all cut and ready to applique. Then we watched a bit of the canoe pageant and headed to the Hawaiian demonstration. Mom bought some poi balls and a DVD to become a full poi bal master. We learned about slack key and steal guitars and then ran over to the Tahitian demonstration. As we were heading out we saw that Samoa was starting their demonstration and stopped to watch that one again, since it was so good. Mom also got a bigger frog with ridges on his back that sounds like a toad. We again ran down to the beach when we got home though the sun was starting to set.
Tuesday we went to Sealife Park. We stopped a few times to take senic pictures and saw a wild chicken along the rock cliff! We also saw some crazy people snorkling off the shore by these really sharp rocks with some wild waves coming in. When we got to Sealife
Park it was hot and really humid. Pam went to see the sealion show, but since there was no shady seating, Mom and I walked around and took pictures. We headed over to see the dolphin show and scored some seats in the shade. The show was great! They had two different kinds of dolphins and then a creature called a whalfin. It's a whale/dolphin hybrid that occured naturally at the park when a killer whale fell for a dolphin. It was a little bigger than a dolphin, but the nose was blunt like a whale. They said it e
ven had the exact number of teeth in between a whale and a dolphin. We milled through the gift shop on the way out and I got Ariel and Toby some Hawaiian doggy collars. We went out in the middle of the day to the beach and stayed until we were getting cold in the water. Funny story of the day: When we were out in the water I was floating facing Mom and Pam towards the shore. They would tell me when a big wave was coming while we talked. Well they missed one and this huge wave came up and over me. I couldn't kick fast enough to get my head to the top of it and got a nose and mouth full of sea water. All was takes more t
han that to keep me out of the water. We drove to Bubba Gump's for dinner and Mom had a 'Bucket o Boat Trash' and I had 'Shrimper's Heaven.' Bubba Gump's is back at the Ala Moana shopping center and we strolled over to the Barnes and Nobles which had all sorts of cool books about Hawaii, history, legends, fiction and stuff. That was dangerous. Mom and I had to limit the number of books we got cause we know they add up to heavy luggage fast. Funny story of the day #2: We kept seeing this EMS ambulance driving around with their lights and sirens on when we were down at the beach. We joked that it was just the same ambulance going round and round. On our way home from Bubba Gump's we had an ambulance come up from behind us and stop on the side of the road. There were 3 guys that got out and headed into a high end shop on Kalakaua. I guess they do work every now and then ;)
On Wednesday we went down to the main Maui Diver's place to get my ring sized. They showed us a video about how their business got started as a diving company and moved on to recovering and refining rare corals and eventually into a jewelery business. We even got to see into their workshops and saw gemologists designing and creating jewelery. This of course all ended at the Temple of Doom...their huge showroom. They had jewelery made with black, pink and rare gold coral, all sorts of rare stones and of course pearls. Mom found the opal settings and loved the rings they had. She doesn't wear rings much, but there was this flat sort of setting that she loved and it had a deep blue and green opal with lots of "fire" in it. They sized it and sent it off to get enlarged like my ring was having done. Pam saw this necklace setting with a nicely sized black pearl in it and 2 dolphins that looked like they were holding it. She had wanted a black pearl and didn't get one in the pick a pearl at Dole. I wandered past the pearls admiring the settings with diamonds and pearls
. Next to those was a full set of pearls in 3 shades, cream, coral pink and lavender pink. I tried it on and it fit perfectly so I got it. We also got to drink mimosas all the while, reducing our ability to say no. Pretty ritzy! When we got back to our car we found that we had parked at a parking meter (oops!) but there wasn't a ticket, whew! We went past the ABC store and picked up all the rest of the souveniers we wanted to get for everyone. It was hot so it was beachtime again! We walked down and the katamaran with the blue and white sail was in so we seized the opportunity and got on. They took us out along Waikiki and then out to sea a ways and back. It was so beautiful! Afterwards we floated around for a bit and stayed until we were cold again. We went to Tiki's Bar and Grill for dinner were they have these huge tiki torches around an open air lanai. The sun was setting and I got some beautiful pictures. When we got back we started packing up all the luggage since we were leaving the next day.
Thursday we
left and came home. Mom and I still had some leftover Frosted Flakes and the sparrows on the balcony were begging pretty good so
we put some in a bowl and set it out on the lanai. The birds would fly down and pick up a flake and take it off a ways to make a full meal out of it. So cute! And what with everything we bought we only had one suitcase that was overweight. Hurray! I also got a pic of the sun setting while we were at 30,000 feet. Till next ti
me my Hawaii....
1 comment:
Those are some great pictures! I love the quilting square! When I first saw it it made me think of sea turtles...but on closer inspection I guess it's not.
Definitely sounds like a fun trip!
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