Then my b
irthday came! Happy Birthday March 19th as a relative of mine would say. I worked that day and everyone that found out it was my birthday was like "why didn't you take it off?" Cause then I wouldn't get all you people telling me happy birthday...duh. Mom and I went out to the Olive Garden for dinner which was very tasty and then I opened presents! I got a portable personal DVD player (which is pink!) for the plane ride to Hawaii and then I got a Kromski H
arp loom. It is a rigid heddle, which means there are only two "sheds", up and down. With different colors and actually holding up certain strings you can make designs, but if you want just a really easy way to weave it's very nice. Here are the pictures of my first project I call "Pacific Sunset" cause of all the different blues you see on the ocean as the sun goes down in pinks and reds. More to come on trips and the baby shower!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Is it really April already?
So somehow I sort of missed March... I shouldn't have because it's my birthday month and all but life suddenly got ridiculously busy. I have been planning a baby shower for my best friend Nicole and w
as hand making the invitations. Great idea right? I mean if Martha can do it why can't I? Well they started out with a really cute stamp on the front that I was going to color and lots of borders. Well after making the first one I didn't really like it. And I was going to have to do this 15 more times. So I had purchased a Cricut that was sitting on the floor collecting dust and decided to look through the images that came in the two cartridges that were included. There happened to be a cute little baby in a blanket and a stork that w
ent together on the front very nicely. So back to Craft Warehouse for more cardstock and away I went! That Cricut is sweeeeeet. It's so fast and all I did was cut and paste. The invitations went together freakishly fast and I got them sent out in time. I thought I had saved one to take a picture of for this blog but I can't seem to find it and randomly remember one more person being added to the guest list. I will try and get a picture from Nicole of hers. **Update: I finally got pics of the invitations!**
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1 comment:
FIRST of all - you have a Cricut machine that was gathering dust! You make me sick. :) (I dearly want one) Definitely get a pic of the invite though, I'd love to see it! Second of all...the Pacific Sunset looks lovely! I like the colors!
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