So if you don't already know I am totally obsessed with Twilight, the book series by Stephenie Meyer. And I managed to get my Mom hooked on them as well. So this last August she hatched her own chickens using an incubator and has been letting them grow up on the "safe" side of the chicken coop. Well since we grew these ourselves the chance of getting more than a couple of roosters was high. We already have two roosters that live with their own ladies in separate chicken runs and we really can't afford to have any more cause they will eventually
start fighting with each other. The baby chicks (which are almost full size now) seem to have three roosters in their bunch. We managed to give away one rooster, but we still have the other two. So one of the baby roosters is a Leghorn/Araucana mix and my Mom thinks he is gorgeous. She had just read the first book when she saw this rooster crowing and thought, "Wow that is one beautiful rooster...must be an Edward." For those of you who don't know, Edward is the main male character in these books and is described as your own personal Greek god. So my Mom now has a rooster named Edward. Also once she names any of the chickens it makes it really hard for her to give it away.
On another topic, we recently decided to replace the floor in the parlor with a hardwood laminate. After ripping out the old carpet, removing the 30 or so pictures and paintings from the walls, and repai
nting the room we found out that the laminate we bought was going to be nearly impossible for us to install. We are planning on having family over for Thanksgiving and most of the furniture for that room was in the dining room. So we called Home Depot and got an installer. We were thinking it wasn't going to be able to be finished until after Thanksgiving, but the guy was in between jobs and when he saw how far along the room was already he said the only day he'd be able to do it was Monday. Hurray! We are both off on Mondays!! So yesterday our new floor was installed and the dining room will be fit to have guests soon. Enjoy the pics!
1 comment:
That's some good looking floor! Why was it so hard to install?
That's funny about Edward the chicken...I mean I'm sure he's beautiful, but it's weird to compare the 2...=)
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