Monday, December 31, 2012

Wrapping up....

This post was titled "Abandonment Issues" about 2 months ago, now it's just the year end wrap up.  I apologize for the lack of blogging from September on.  The months just slipped through my hands and mostly my hands were busy with making Christmas gifts from Thanksgiving on.  I couldn't blog the projects I was working on because the people who read this blog are the ones who were receiving them.  And it just seemed like too much effort most days.  But with the sun coming back and the days getting longer (albeit unnoticeably at this point) I have found that my resolutions for 2013 include blogging more.  It also includes learning to play the piano, knitting up more wonderful things I have in my stash, learning how to dye my own yarn, growing some new things in my garden like shelling beans and peas, making some of those Pinterest ideas realities and putting all my remaining energy into getting pregnant.  So without further ado here is a photo round up of the last months of 2012...

In September we went to Cannon Beach and...did nothing!  But an enjoyable nothing. :)  We walked the beach twice a day, knitted, re-watched both seasons of Downton Abbey, ate ice cream for dinner and relaxed.  I started, for the third time, a shawl for myself and it's going much better finally.  The first part of the vacation was sunny and warm...the second half was foggy then cloudy and cold.  And our vacation ended with a beautiful sunset that I couldn't stop taking pictures of.  Aaah, I love the Oregon Coast.  (The first two pictures I took with the iPad!)

In the middle of September Mom and I joined some friends from work and visited a U-Pick blueberry patch.  We picked two buckets full of blueberries and got a free bucket of pears!  The pears and berries were so delicious that Mom and I went back later and picked some more.  We froze lots of blueberries to eat all winter long.

Then the first week of October the weather turned cold!  So cold that it froze a couple of nights and we noticed that the garden had been hit.  So in a single night we harvested everything!!  Pumpkins, squash, peppers, tomatoes, sunflower heads and any melons that were left.  It was exhausting but worth getting the fruits of the summer labor in the house for safe keeping.

It looked like a cornucopia had barfed in our house....and still does to a degree.  We slowly have made our way through some of the squashes and the chickies are getting most of the pumpkins.

And then we had an early turkey dinner to feast on our homegrown food!  Other than the turkey, olives and gravy we grew that meal on the table!!  Sweet potatoes, carrots, mashed potatoes and squash all from the garden...

Then I was invited to a Halloween party and made some scary treats to take with me...

Wicked witch fingers that looked more like real fingers before they were baked.

 Magic pretzel wands.
 Chocolate peanut butter acorns.
 And pumpkin fudge.

That gets us to November when fall decided to show it's best and brightest colors of the our backyard!

And now December.  It was, of course, time to bake some more, so for a work potluck I made...

Apple Cider Snicker-doodles

Peppermint Snowballs

And a bar cookies that was oatmeal chocolate chip cookie mix with a layer of dark chocolate fudge and more cookie mix and mint M&Ms on top...all in all too rich to make again!

Besides baking, December was filled with knitting.  I made a pair of fingerless gloves for my Aunt Norma (who turned 90 this year!)

I also made 3 pair of gloves for my cousins...and never took a single picture of them!  Seriously!  I had 6 mittens to knit in less than 4 weeks, so that left little time to document their production.  I was casting on the last mitten in church at Christmas Eve Mass and knit all day Christmas day to finish it.  Then I promptly wrapped them up and gave them away.  :(  I was even there as everyone opened them and didn't take a picture of the three together!  My camera malfunctioned at the end of the night, so I'll blame it on that.  Luckily Melinda took a picture of hers, just imagine two other pairs with the colors in the cuffs changed around...

So it is with camera issues and a new list of resolutions that I enter 2013.  May it be filled with more blogs than 2012!