On Tuesday we turned this...

Into This!

And then we did this!!

Yes, apparently 4 raised beds is
not enough. We had planted strawberries in one of those Topsy-Turvy planters and a couple other knock-offs and they had been slowly trying to kick the bucket. The plants were not producing anything and their leaves were slowly turning brown. We didn't seem to be able to keep the soil moist enough or something. The other thing is that strawberries don't seem to hit their stride until the second or third year after

they are planted. Well there wasn't going to be much of a first year the way they were heading. You evidently have to mulch (cover up and keep 'em from dying) the strawberries with what else but...straw! So our little strawberries needed a nice place where we could keep them from dying until next year and thus the strawberry bed was born. We actually built two, because you know we need to keep the asthetics up ;)
On anothe

r note I finished my first felted knitting project. This super awesome messenger bag was a gift of yarn and needles at Christmas time and about 7 ole months later it is a fabulous and chic bag that can show off all my nifty buttons from Cafe Press about Twilight. My favorite is the little blue one that says "Forks, WA ... Where it Sprinkles so you don't Sparkle". I'd have to say my second favorite is the one with a pink spoon on it that says "Meanwhile in a little town called Spoons..." Get it!? Forks...Spoons...It's okay, I'm a nerd.