Saturday, January 17, 2009

Good Grief!

Well my year has gone ridiculously quick already. After a great Christmas (Wii!!) and a few days off from work to enjoy it life ratcheted up a notch. Our set-up guy at work who receives all the new specimens and plates them, among other daily very important duties, took a leave of absence that may be permanent to go to flight school in Texas. We had known this for awhile and did manage to get a guy that had previously worked in set-up to come back for 3 months to fill in. The problem was he couldn't start until two weeks after our other guy left. That was okay. It would be hard but there were only a couple of days where there were only two microbiologists to run the entire day shift micro lab for a 220 bed hospital, most days there were three, which was ideal. Well then one of our micro techs broke her leg. So the first two weeks of the new year I got to put in between 1 to 2 hours of overtime everyday. And this last Thursday I was going to be the entire micro department (reading about 100 cultures and setting everything up) until one of our techs graciously came in to work an extra day. I have some great paychecks but no life. This, along with the holidays, set my blog back 5 weeks! My life consisted of getting up and ready, being to work at 6:30 in the morning, working until 4 or 5 pm, coming home and making dinner, playing some Guitar Hero and going to bed, all to be repeated the following day. One of the things holding me through all this was turning in the papers to schedule my vacations for the coming year. Starting in March I am going to the beach every other month and in May it's Hawaii!!! Warm sand, warm water, balmy breezes....